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Welcome to SYS Systemlogistik F.L.e.K.

Firm profile

In 1996 SYS Systemlogistik F.L.e.K. founded at the transition location in Nordhausen. After completion of the new headquarters with very good, extensive and state-of-the-art equipment, the work in Rottleberode in January 1998 was continued more efficiently and effectively.

Company Strategy

The company's goal is to provide shipping services based on the most economical transportation, storage and distribution costs in the interest of the customer. The resulting cost reduction can be completely passed on to the customer. Use of modern vehicles, avoidance of excess capacity and elimination of expensive empty kilometers are the means and methods of SYS Systemlogistik F.L.e.K. to develop the most cost-effective solutions for the customer.


The managing director, Mr. Falk Lützkendorf, has a training as a traffic engineer and has acquired extensive experience in traffic systems technology. As an independent company, SYS Systemlogistik F.L.e.K. since 1996, we have always been successful in implementing the orders that we have taken on, and we are further optimizing and developing the existing system models. The scientific, economic and innovative penetration of the transferred logistics tasks is always proven. New transport systems to increase the economic efficiency of the transport, transshipment and storage processes are being developed and made available at short notice.

Your advantage

You are free of transport, storage and distribution efforts and can concentrate on your core business. Your cost savings when transferring tasks to us are between 20 and 50%.

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